
「至景企業」「玉景國際」「至尊國際投資」 ,為板橋土城知名林姓家族後代,本著「至善美為本」理念,於2013年6月,2018年8月即2021年8月於台灣台北市以股份有限方式成立公司,開創企業來照顧弱勢族群。未來期盼長期在臺灣深耕房地產 理財投資並以精品代理業務為輔,擴大行銷與投資領域,期能在台灣及未來國際市場居於領導地位。 目前,「至景企業」「玉景國際」「至尊國際投資」草創初期先以理財投資業務為主、其次以房地產及精品代理業務為輔,未來不僅建構綿密的金融與行銷網絡,並期望於臺灣整體產業發展過程中扮演重要的推手,將投資建置於網絡及行銷平台上,將觸角延伸至房地產及精品代理業務,擬成功將營運觸角以臺灣為核心,逐步擴展至大中華地區,進而延伸至全球各大主要市場。展望未來,除了秉持「至善美、臺灣第一」的理念外,將更積極佈建大中華網絡,以邁向國際一流企業機構為目標。


Company Overview


「Best Vision Enterprise」  「Jade King International 」 「Prime  International Investment」was founded by a well-known descendant of the Lin family in the Panchaio and Tucheng area. With “goodness and beauty” as a core concept, Lin founded the company in Taipei, Taiwan in June 2013& July 2018.& July 2021.Creating the business to take care of the disadvantaged, he hopes to financially invest in Taiwan in the long-term, and to invest in real estate and the boutique agency business as a subsidiary. Also, expand marketing and investing in hopes of bringing Taiwan to the top in the international market.



創辦人為懷念及感恩創辦人父親 林景褀先生,故採用父親及創辦人中間名字而取名《至景企業股份有限公司》(Best Vision Enterprise Company Limited),意謂這是一家代代相傳永續經營最有願景之公司;讓企業《至善美精神》除能照顧員工外,也能為台灣站出來,照顧弱勢族群,開創更美好企業願景與未來。

感念祖父 林玉書先生對家族照顧與德澤,故採用祖父及創辦人父親中間名字而取名《玉景國際股份有限公司》(Jade King International Company Limited),意謂這是一家代代相傳永續經營投資公司;讓企業《至善美精神》除能照顧員工外,也能為台灣站出來,照顧弱勢族群,開創更美好投資未來。

創辦人 林至為 感念國泰世華同事及友人同心創業理念,故取名創辦人中間名字及尊榮宏偉理之意取名《至尊國際投資股份有限公司》(Prime  International  Investment Company Limited),意謂這是一家尊貴 至高無上永續經營投資公司;讓企業《尊貴崇高精神》能為台灣站出來,照顧弱勢族群,開創更美好投資未來。

The Origin of the Company’s Name


The founder wanted to remember and thank his father Lin Jing Ji, so he used the second symbol of his name and his father’s name to create Best Vision Enterprise Company Limited. This company has a vision to pass things on through generations. The concept of “goodness and beauty” not only ensures that the enterprise takes care of its employees, but also helps Taiwan stand out and take care of the disadvantaged, creating a better vision for the future.


公司沿革 ( 至景企業 )

2013年6月 ~公司登記資本額新台幣100萬(每股面額為新台幣10元)。
2014年2月 ~公司申請再增資300萬,總計實收資本額新台幣400萬(每股面額為新台幣10元) 。
2014年12月 ~ 申請商標註冊申請(申請類別 35 36 37 41 44類商品/服務)。
2015年3月23日 ~公司申請再增資600萬,總計實收資本額新台幣1,000萬
2015年4月2日 ~公司增資案業經台北市政府核定在案)。
2015年7月 ~申請<綠藝術生活>商標註冊(申請類別 35 36 37 41 44類商品/服務)核定在案。
2015年8月 ~申請以 "銀杏" 為公司 LOGO 商標之註冊申請(台灣及中國地區)。
2015年9月 ~籌備 <至美園> 未來規劃為企業總部及精品藝術展示區。
2015年11月26日 ~創辦人取得<至美園>土地所有權計130坪, 未來規劃為第一期企業總部及精品藝術展示區。

2017年8月 ~ 至美園整建

2019年8月 ~ 申請<至美珠寶>商標註冊核定在案。


公司沿革 ( 玉景國際 )

2018年6月   新資金提撥80萬,成立新公司 玉景國際股份有限公司(JADE KING)總計實收資本額 新台幣 80萬(每股面額為新台幣10元) 。
2020年5月 ~公司擬再增資200萬,總計實收資本額新台幣 280萬(每股面額為新台幣10元) 。
2021年6月 ~公司擬再增資200萬,總計實收資本額新台幣 480萬(每股面額為新台幣10元)
2022年10月 ~公司擬再增資 520萬(引進外部股東500萬),總計實收資本額 新幣1500萬(每股面額為新台幣10元)

公司沿革 ( 至尊國際投資 )

2021年8月   新資金提撥300萬,成立新公司 至尊國際投資股份有限公司(Prime International Investment)總計實收資本額 新台幣 300萬(每股面額為新台幣10元) 。

Company history


June 2013 -
chartered with an authorized capital of 1 million (par value at 10 NTD per share)

February 2014 -
the company raised $3 million NTD, total paid-in capital of 4 million (par value at 10 NTD per share)

December 2014 -
application for patent, trademark, and design registration (Application category 35 36 37 41 44 goods and services)

March 23, 2015 -
the company raised $6 million NTD, total paid-in capital of 10 million

(April 2, 2015 –
financial statement approved and documented by the Taipei government)

April 2015 -
application for the trademark registration of a “gingko” design as the company’s LOGO

July 2015 –
approval of the application for the trademark registration of (Application category 35 36 37 41 44 goods and services)

June. 2018 -
The company plans to contribute 0.8 million in the founding of the subsidiary, Jade King
Total paid-in capital: $0.8 million NTD (par value at 10 NTD per share)

The company plans to raise $2million NTD, total paid-in capital of $2.8 million NTD (par value at 10 NTD per share)

November 2021 -
The company plans to raise $2million NTD, total paid-in capital of $4.8million NTD (par value at 10 NTD per share)

October 2022-
The company plans to raise $5.2 million NTD (introduce outside shareholders to invest 5 million), total paid-in capital of $15 million NTD (par value at 10 NTD per share)



成為客戶可靠的金融投資與購物平台夥伴,提供金融證券市場直接投資服務及房地產及精品網購代理業務,打造成為亞太地區具領導地位之金融理財精品集團。 至善美、臺灣第一。


Development Goals


Become a reliable financial investment and shopping platform, provide direct investments in financial and securities markets, and offer real estate investment services and online shopping agency services. Become a financial planning and boutique business leader in the Asia-Pacific region.
To goodness and beauty, to Taiwan.







Corporate Identity


The corporate logo is a ginkgo (the maidenhair tree). The fan-shaped design conveys the fortitude and the intergenerational responsibilities and obligation of the corporate. The three sectors of the triangular fan stand for the company’s perseverance, the ambition to become the best and the good and beautiful concept.
The corporate color, green, stands for different characteristics: it represents stability, eco-friendliness, professionalism, and reliability. We put much emphasis into perseverance, hoping all colleagues are full of vigor and innovation, just as the green earth provides life. With the staff’s enthusiasm, solidarity and sense of honor, we plan to become “the world’s most distinctive Chinese enterprise.”





至景企業自2013年6月成立以來,積極規劃投資理財與代理銷售業務,期望扮演前瞻性與創新之角色,針對業務之開展將逐一依階段性需求與規劃完成相關業務之發展,期許公司未來能茁壯成長,並對產業發展深耕厚植貢獻,帶領公司成為大中華經濟圈知名企業。 創辦人:2013年6月~55歲創業~師法 台積電 張忠謀董事長(55歲創業)及大立光創辦人林耀英先生(47歲創業)經營事業不屈不饒與照顧員工之精神~ "日本趨勢大師大前研一"著作:[後五十歲的選擇一書]~更讓我鼓起奮鬥的人生 書中精髓提到:「有捨棄,用堅定的意志,新鮮的眼光重新開機」~ 來努力創業讓大家有安居樂業之生活,這就是經營者應有之決心與態度。


Founders’ words


Ever since Best Vision enterprise was founded in June 2013, we have been actively planning investment banking and sales agents services, hoping that we can become a role of expectation and innovation. For business development, we will carry out a plan according to the needs of each phase. We expect the company to thrive in the future, and contribute immensely to the industrial development in Taiwan. Finally becoming a renowned enterprise in the Chinese economy.
In June 2013, TSMC chairman Morris Chang (55-year-old entrepreneur) and Largan Precision Founder, Scott Lin (47-year-old entrepreneur) started the business with an indomitable spirit.
A section from the work of Japanese trend guru Kenichi Ohmae, “The Decisions of the Last 50 years” made me want to strive in life: “To abandon is to have a strong will and restart with fresh eyes.” So, with entrepreneurial efforts, I want to build a workplace for everyone to work and live in peace. This is the attitude and determination a proper entrepreneur should have.




1.姓名:林暐洋  職稱:董事長兼總經理 性別:男
             中央大學 財經法律研究所
   主要工作經驗:至景企業/玉景國際  負責人
   註:至景企業/玉景國際 董事


2.姓名:林至為  創辦人  性別: 男 
   學歷: 逢甲大學 商學士
            清華大學科技管理學院 管理碩士
(3)國泰世華銀行信託財富管理 副理
(4)國泰人壽 專案經理
2013.06 創立《綠藝術生活網》
2013.06 與好友成立《至景企業股份有限公司》
2018.03 與好友成立《玉景國際股份有限公司》

 註:至景企業/玉景國際 主要股東

       至尊國際投資 董事長

3.姓名:簡美玲   性別: 女
   學歷:銘傳大學 國際貿易
            東吳大學 管理學士
            中國南開大學 經濟學博士
  主要工作經驗 :
 (1)k-mart 業務行銷./理財投資 
 (2)遠東銀行 理財業務經理

 (3)國泰世華銀行 理財主管

   註:至景企業/玉景國際/至尊國際投資 股東


4.姓名:歐子瀚 性別: 男
 學歷: 財務碩士
 主要工作經驗 :
註:至景企業 董事


5.姓名:黃捷書 性別: 男 職稱:業務部副總經理 性別: 男
 主要工作經驗 :


6.姓名: 林亮宇  性別: 男 
主要工作經驗 :


7.姓名: 賴元暉  性別: 男 
  學歷:逢甲大學 商學士畢
主要工作經驗 :
健保局 科長
規劃資訊整合 勞健保福利業務   
註:玉景國際  董事

Main members


1.Chairman and Managing Director: Warren Lin (Lin Wei Yang)
Education: Bachelor’s degree in Financial and Economic Law from Chung Yuan Christian University
Major work experience: Best Vision Managing Director
Note: Director of Board

2. Chief Financial Officer: Robert Lin (Lin Chih Wei)
Education: Bachelor’s degree from Feng Chia University,
College of Technology Management, National Tsing Hua University Management MBA
Major work experience:
(1) FSITC salesperson
(2) Cathay Bank stock investment salesperson
(3) Cathay United Bank Trust Wealth Management Assistant Manager
(4) Cathay Life Insurance Project Manager
June 2013 – Created “Green Art Life Network”
June 2013 – Founded “Best Vision Enterprise Co., Ltd” with friends

June 2018 – Founded “Jade King Enterprise Co., Ltd” with friends

3. Jian yu ling
Education: Ming Chuan University Department of International Business, Bachelor’s degree in Management from Soochow University, PhD. from Nankai University Economics
Major Work Experience:
K-mart business marketing

4.Ou Zi Han
Education: Master’s degree in Finance from NYU
Major work experience: SSMOTORTEC major shareholder
Note: Director of Board

5.Sales Vice President: Huang Jie Shu
Education: Junior College
Major Work Experience: printing business salesperson
Note : Director of Board




H201010 一般投資業H202010 創業投資業I102010 投資顧問業I103060 管理顧問業F401010 國際貿易業I105010 藝術品諮詢顧問業I101070 農林漁畜牧顧問業顧問業I199990 其他顧問服物業H701010 住宅及大樓開發租售業A101050 花卉哉培業A102050 作物栽培服務業A102080 園藝服務業F399040 無店面零售業F501060 餐館業F501030 飲料店業J901020 一般旅館業ZZ99999 除許可業務外得經營法令非禁止或限致之業務


Scope of business


H201010 Investment, H202010 Venture Investment, I102010 Investment Consultancy, I103060 Management Consulting Services, F401010 International Trade, I105010 Artistic Production Consultancy, I101070 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Animal Husbandry Consultancy, I199990 Other Consultancy, H701010 Residence and Buildings Lease Construction and Development, A101050 Flower Gardening, A102050 Crops Cultivation, A102080 Horticulture, F399040 Retail Business Without Shop, F501060 Restaurants, F501030 Coffee/Tea Shops, J901020 Hotels and Motels, ZZ99999 All business items that are not prohibited or restricted by law, except those that are subject to special approval.




董事會:目前 4董事 1監察人, 董事長兼總經理:1人, 財務長:1人


Organization Structure


Board of Directors: Currently, 4 directors, 1 Supervisor, 1 Executive Director and General Manager, 1 Chief Financial Officer, 3~4 Executive Vice Presidents




住宅開發租賃事業群(含綠建築) ~
陶藝精品服務事業群(含珠寶鑑賞) ~


Business Groups:


Investment Business Group
Residential development leasing business group (including green architecture)
Potter Gift Service Business Group (including jewelry appreciation)
International Trade Business Group
Catering and leisure business group



董事長 : 對外代表公司並於董事會休會期間行使董事會職權
總經理 : 負責監督及管理本公司之整體經營效能及制定經營決策
財務長 : 掌管公司財務與事業群未來營運規劃管理
執行副總經理 : 負責本公司及轄下各項事業之經營管理
法律顧問 : 負責本公司及轄下子公司法律案件諮詢、法律文件會簽及法令遵循制度等相關業


organization work

Chairman: the company’s external representative, executes duties on behalf of the Board when not in session
General Manager: oversees and manages the company’s overall operating performance and formulates business decisions
Chief Financial Officer: in charge of the company’s finance and the management and planning of business groups
Executive Five President: responsible for the management of the company and the divisions underneath
Legal Advisor: responsible for the legal case counseling, legal contracting, legal compliances, etc. of the company and its subsidiaries




就如:日本經營之聖 京瓷(Kyocera)創辦人稻盛和夫曾說企業領導者應將經營目的導向「利他」的正念。以「利他」出發的經營觀,加上持續關注外部環境變化而做出努力~這是經營者維持企業卓越的成長與永續經營之基本心法,而前瞻地思考,國際的視野,強烈的社會責任感也是本公司努力發展之目標。


Necessary conditions for an enterprise to succeed


As Kazuo Inamori, the founder of Kyocera once mentioned, business objectives should be oriented towards ”altruistic” thoughts. Business concepts should start with “altruism,” continuously paying attention to external environment changes along the way, and strive. This is how one maintains excellent growth and sustainable development. Keeping the future in mind, broadening the horizon, and having a strong sense of social responsibility are also important when pursuing goals.

綠藝術生活 商標權登記~



GREEN ART LIFE owership of trade marks

approved 2015.07